Insan Cendekia Tuban (ICT) is a modern educational institution in Tuban, with program International Islamic Education (I2E) and English Atmoshpere that can improve students’ understanding of English, tahfidz qur’an and morality. ICT houses the educational institutions of PAUDQ Darul Qur’an, TK ICT, SD Plus ICT, SMP ICT and SMK Techno Preneurship.
Terdapat beberapa lembaga yang bernaung di bawah Yayasan Pendidikan Insan Cendekia Tuban
Register yourself or your beloved child to be part of Insan Cendekia Tuban and improve your understanding of English, tahfidz qur’an and morality.
ICT International School
Tuban Babat street Km. 01, Gedongombo, Semanding, Tuban, East Java – Indonesia 62381
Phone / WA : 081232597775
Email :
Instagram : @ict_international_school
Facebook : @insancendekiatuban