Insan Cendekia Tuban (ICT) is a modern educational institution in Tuban Regency, with the International Islamic Education (I2E) program and English Atmosphere able to improve students’ understanding of English, tahfidz Qur’an, and good morals. ICT oversees educational institutions ICT Kindergarten, ICT Plus Elementary School, ICT Junior high school, and Techno Preneurship Vocational School.
With a vision of “Becoming an international quality Islamic educational institution” and a mission of “Providing quality modern Islamic education services by implementing technology in learning media and producing quality Islamic generations”
leadership structures
Insan Cendekia Tuban
The Foundation's President of ICT
The Foundation's President of ICT
Head Master of SMK Techno Preneurship
Head Master of SMK Techno Preneurship
Head Master of SMP ICT
Head Master of SMP ICT
Head Master of SD Plus ICT
Head Master of SD Plus ICT
Head Master of TK ICT
Head Master of TK ICT
Head of Administration
Head of Administration
Head of Finance
Head of Finance
Kebahagiaan, Harapan, Energi dan Semangat
Kenyamanan, Keberuntungan dan Kehidupan
Kepercayaan, Loyalitas dan Tanggung jawab
Tiga Pilar utama dalam logo ICT adalah simbol Iman Islam dan Ihsan.
Detail yang simpel dan unik representasi dari Topi Toga. Simbol prestasi, pencapaian, impian dan harapan.
Sudut yang runcing bermakna tegas dalam bersikap dan tekun dalam belajar. Logo dengan gaya millenial dan moderen ini sangat mewakili semangat muda para siswa dan pengajar di ICT.
ICT International School
Tuban Babat street Km. 01, Gedongombo, Semanding, Tuban, East Java – Indonesia 62381
Phone / WA : 081232597775
Email :
Instagram : @ict_international_school
Facebook : @insancendekiatuban